Tuesday, October 11, 2011

To Achieve Distance

2010 WFDF World Distance Champ Dion Arlyn teaches you how he gets maximum distance out of today's high speed disc golf drivers like NUKE and Force. He threw a NUKE 732 feet! How far can you throw?

Few tips from Dion to achieve a good distance shot
1. Speed

2. Get your body behind your shot which can get you to your highest distance potential

3. Must understand how a disc flies

4. Grip onto the disc with four fingers along the seams of the disc (upper part of your fingers...see demonstration in the video below)

5. Put most of your pressure on your thumb when pressing onto the disc to grip control of the shot

6. Power of the swing is from your legs to your arms, while hips are turned away from target

7. Three basic starting positions: heel ups, hip turned, arm extended

8. Ready-Throw-Position: Dropped your heel and you will experience a weight shift, start to open up the hip, pull back your shoulders, as your disc come across, this is when you accelerate.

To find out more detailed information for your swing to max. distance, please watch the video below:

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